How to Fix My Roof Leaks? Causes of Damage & Solutions

How to Fix My Roof Leaks? Causes of Damage & Solutions

June 18, 2024

A leaky roof is a huge nightmare. Not only does it lead to structural damage inside the house but it also helps grow mold and fungus, causing severe illnesses in family members.

In the US, for example, the average roof replacement is between $6700 to over $80,000. This figure is proof enough of the fact that it is really expensive to replace your roof with new materials completely.

If you don’t want to spend so much on minor inconveniences, it is important to recognize the early signs of roof leaks and also keep a few solutions handy. So, let’s get started with some causes first.

What causes leaky roofs?

Leaky roofs can be caused due to a wide variety of reasons, ranging from natural to man-made ones. Here are some of the most common ones:

Cracks in the roof

Roofs can develop cracks due to natural wear and tear, which can be further exacerbated by poor weather conditions.

Over time, constant exposure to the harsh sun rays, rainfall, or snow can cause your roof to weaken and eventually crack.

Improper sloping

A proper slope ensures that the dirt, debris, snow, and rain accumulated can smoothly slide down into the drainage system. But if the slope is not well-built, these substances stay there.

For example, an improper slope built in an area prone to heavy rainfall will cause the water to get pooled. However, if the slope is too steep, then the water will flow down too quickly, overflowing the drainage system.

Improper maintenance

This is also a major reason why many families experience roof leakages throughout the year. So, it’s important to clear debris every once in a while and make sure that the drainage gutter is cleaned.

If you fail to perform regular maintenance and ignore broken or damaged tiles, then your roof’s lifespan is bound to decrease.

Excess moisture

If the indoor ventilation is poor, then it can cause your roof to develop cracks and ultimately cause roof leakage.

Excess moisture leads to mildew, and if the roof is made of metal, then moisture that accumulates over a long time can lead to corrosion. The corrosion then makes the roof more brittle and prone to damage.

The metal components can also loosen and cause further cracks.

How to fix a leaky roof?

Now that you know the conditions that cause leaking roofs let's find out how to fix them.

Look for the leak

The first thing you need to do is figure out the source of the leak or the exact areas where the roof is leaking. The trick here is to look uphill. When you’re tracking the leak, start by looking uphill from the stain on the roof.

Check for items that are poking through the roof, such as sticks, because they are one of the biggest reasons behind roof leaks. Leaks are most commonly seen near the roof’s surface, such as skylights or vents.

Use garden hose

If a leak is particularly difficult to find, you can use a simple trick to figure it out. Find a helper and go right up to the roof with a garden hose.

Next, soak the area lightly just above the place where you have seen the leak inside the house. Then, run the hose along in isolated areas.

For example, if the soak is somewhere near the chimney, start by running the hose downhill, then on the two sides, and then finally at the top.

Install Asphalt shingles

Installing asphalt shingles or repairing the existing ones is a good way to prevent further roof leakage. Asphalt shingles are not only durable but are also pretty affordable, so you won’t have to worry about further damage.

If you already have these shingles on your roof, check if they are straight and reattach the curled ones. If a shingle is broken or missing, you can replace it with a new one.

Repair plumbing vent boots

Plumbing vent boots can be made of plastic or metal, or can be made of a combination of both.

If your plumbing vent boot is completely made of plastic, then it’s best to check the base for any cracks or leaks there. Next, examine the rubber boot that surrounds the pipe.

The rubber boot often becomes rotten, torn, or may develop small cracks. Buying a new vent boot can generally solve this problem.

Fit Wooden shakes

Wooden roof shakes are a type of material that is made of wood, typically redwood or cedar. If your roof has a relatively steep slope, then installing wooden shakes is a good idea.

First, inspect the leakage and split any existing cracks. Next, cut a new shake that will fit into the gaps and slide it into place. You can secure wooden shakes using galvanized nails and roofing cement to secure the nail heads.

Over to you…

So, now that you know how to fix roof leaks, it’s time to get into action. Remember, the answer to how to fix a leaking roof is easy, but how to repair a leaking roof is not. It’s an expensive affair, and you must trust a reputable company like us to do what is needed.

At LA Roofing Materials, we offer you not only the best services but also the most competitive pricing.